The green world
With the use of culture, we keep separate from the nature, which we are – at the same time – the integral part of. The series of works that remind us of the fact that we cannot exist outside nature – our natural environment.
Nature was described by Władysław Natanson in a very sophisticated way: “Nature is the source of our thoughts and our delight: it is the masterpiece of inaccessible miracle. It is the secret with its spectre flickering right in front of us”. Because of the development of civilization, modern man often forgets that his roots are closely connected with nature. Artificially, yet extremely effectively, we try to cut ourselves off from nature by clearing trees and building new cities made of concrete that may give us illusory vision of a better life.
The series was made for the campaign which draws attention to the negative consequences of human activities, which are to be easily observed in Amazonian rainforest. The bodies of the characters presented are created from the elements associated with nature in its pure form. They are built of leaves and trees, making us wonder where we came from and what direction we are heading to.
1Za Wikipedia : dostęp: 19.04.2021: Władysław Natanson: Teresa Ferenc, Poezje wybrane, wydawnictwo Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza, Warszawa 1980, ISBN 8320532183. s. 7.
Igor Morski
about the Green World collection:
The idea for the series, as it often happens, came from the illustration. I was supposed to make a literally human, female face blended into nature. Made of trees, branches, leaves. I liked both the idea and the effect. I made the cover for the BR& Magazine and the series of autonomous works later. The thought behind it is the strong correlation of the whole biosphere, with humans as one several equal elements in the great architecture of nature.
The largest “green picture” that was made had been ordered by the agency from Dubai and was 42 meters long.